Toothbrushing and Flossing
- Begin cleaning the teeth as soon as they erupt.
- Do NOT start a toothpaste with flouride until your child can spit unless
instructed by a dentist.
(why? – risk getting fluorosis = white and brown specks on the adult teeth).
- Use toddler toothpaste that is fluoride free.
- Begin flossing as soon as any 2 teeth touch – especially after eating chicken or fibrous foods – like apples or mangoes.
- Parent supervise toothbrushing and flossing until your child is near the age of 8
Diet suggestions
- Avoid juice and soda (contain lots of sugar and acid).
- AAP Guidelines – no more than 4 ounces of sweet liquid per day for toddlers
- Avoid frequent sipping on sweet liquids.
- Avoid sticky or dried fruit or fruit snacks(roll-ups)
- Avoid eating or drinking during the night. (decreased saliva at night)
- Avoid sour candies- Skittles, Starbursts (acid burns holes in teeth!)
Fluoridated Water
- Fluoride REMINERALIZES and protects the tooth from acid destruction!
- Drink fluoridated bottled water if your water supply is NOT fluoridated.
- Note BRITA water filters and filters attached to your faucet do NOT remove
fluoride from the water.
- Reverse osmosis filters(located under your sink) do remove fluoride.
Habits – Pacifiers, Thumbs,Fingers
- American Academy of Pediatrics recommends pacifier use in the first year of
life to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome(SIDS)
( – SIDS Policy Statement).
- Goal is to encourage the cessation of digit sucking habits by age 5 before
Permanent teeth begin to erupt to avoid crossbites or protrusive incisors
- Use positive reinforcement to help stop the habit.
ECC = Early Childhood Caries (CDC term for tooth decay)
Direct causes of DEMINERALIZATION (cavities)
- FREQUENT juice and/or snacks
- sweet liquids (juice, soda) in a sippy cup or bottle
- sticky foods(raisins, gummies – even gummy vitamins)
- liquid medicine – contains 50% sugar
- GE Reflux – stomach acid on the teeth
Factors that contribute to DEMINERALIZATION (cavities)
- parent with cavity history
- tight or crowded teeth
- tooth defects*(soft or groovy teeth)*
- medical conditions – congenital heart disease, asthma
- inconsistent oral hygiene
- tight lips – contribute to food holding and make toothbrushing
- inability to use tongue to naturally clean teeth (tongue-tied)
- food holder or slow swallower
- xerostomia(dry mouth)
Dental radiographs-first x-rays maybe needed:
1. after the dentist can no longer see between the back baby molars – (average age 4)
2. after a cavity develops or a dental injury occurs
Mouth Trauma
- Child proof your home – remove sharp corners(coffee tables)
- Frenum tear (skin under upper lip) – bleeds a lot! Keep head above heart
and put washcloth over tear to stop bleeding. Rarely needs stitches.
- Concussion injury ( bumped tooth ) Tooth may turn yellow or dark gray.
Watch for abscess formation if tooth is dark.
- Luxation (pushed forward or backward) reposition tooth ASAP!
- Intrusion ( pushed into gum ) – allow to re-erupt.
- Avulsion ( tooth knocked out ) – locate tooth. Do NOT replant a baby tooth